ASLAP Student Chapters
1. Atlantic Veterinary College.
2. Colorado State University.
3. Cornell University.
4. Louisiana State University.
5. Midwestern University.
6. Michigan State University.
7. Mississippi State University.
8. North Carolina State University.
9. Ohio State University.
10. Oregon State. Click here to contact the chapter.
11. Purdue University.
12. Ross University.
13. Texas A&M.
14. Tufts University.
15. Tuskegee University.
16. University of California- Davis.
17. University of Florida.
18. University of Georgia.
19. University of Guelph.
20. University of Illinois.
21. University of Missouri.
22. University of Pennsylvania
23. University of Tennessee.
24. Washington State University
25. Wisconsin University.
Interested in forming your own chapter? Check out the requirements
In order to obtain approval by the ASLAP board of directors, potential student chapters must furnish documentation of the following requirements:
- The mission, objectives, basic operational guidelines, and structure of the student chapter must be consistent with those of the Society.
- The student chapter must formally be affiliated with the local student chapter of the AVMA.
- The student chapter must have a faculty sponsor who is engaged in the practice of laboratory animal medicine and, preferably, is a member of the Society.
- The student chapter must submit an annual report each calendar year. The report should include such items as names of chapter officers and the faculty sponsor, a membership roster, and a summary of annual activities.
Additionally, the Board recommends, but does not require, the following:
- Chapter members should be encouraged, but not required, to join the national Society as student members.
- As part of its mission, the student chapter should familiarize its members with standards and regulations pertaining to laboratory animal medicine. Preferably, this goal should be included in the chapter’s mission statement.
Updated 4/28/2022