ASLAP Thank Our Sponsors!
Gold Level:
AAALAC International
Charles River
Bronze Level:
AbbVie Inc
Friend Level:
Carter 2 Systems Inc
ASLAP 2024 CE Event: Advances in Sustained Release Analgesia in Lab Animal Medicine
Sunday November 3, 9am - 3pm.
Omni Hotel, Cumberland 5 ballroom
Speakers & Topics:
Dr. Lauren Forsythe (virtual) - Pharmacy Phun: What you need to know to ensure your drugs are legal and effective
Dr. Patrick Lester - Medication Expiration, Beyond-Use, and In-Use Dating. How long-acting analgesics can provide novel therapeutic options and maintain regulatory compliance.
Dr. Cholawat Pacharinsak - Sustained release analgesia formulations in rodents
Dr. Lauren Krueger – Don't have a baaah-d time: analgesia in ruminants
Dr. Trish Foley - Sustained release analgesia: Nuts and bolts and practical considerations
Advance Registration fee: $ 100 (Members) & $150 (Non-members)
Registration closes on October 25th
Onsite Registration fee: $150 (Members) & $200 (Non-members)
This program has been submitted for RACE approval (but is not yet approved) for 3 hours of continuing education credit in jurisdictions which recognize RACE approval.
Registration onsite only!
ASLAP Networking Luncheon
Monday November 4, 12pm - 2pm
Nashville Convention Center, Davidson Ballroom C3
Advance Registration fee: Free (Members) & $50 (Non-members)
Space is limited so please register before it closes on October 25th!
Registration onsite only!
Check out these sessions at the AALAS National Meeting sponsored by the ACLAM/ASLAP Joint Program Committee!
DATE: Monday 11/4/2024
TIME: 12:30 -2 pm
PANEL TITLE: The NCI Comparative Oncology Trials Consortium: An Infrastructure for Implementation of Comparative Oncology Clinical Trials in Pet Dogs to Advance Studies in Cancer Drug Development and Biology.
- Amy Leblanc
- Jessica Beck
- Christina Mazcko
PANEL TITLE: Integrating Automated Genotyping and Colony Management Software into the "Standard of Care" for Mouse Colonies
- Dr Jeanne M Wallace, DACLAM
- Karen L Jackson, LATG
- Jessie Janeczek
- Ronald Emeson
- Todd Ellis
DATE: Tuesday 11/5/2024
TIME: 11 am -12 pm
SPECIAL TOPIC TITLE: Murine Models of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE)
Speaker: Shawn O'Neil
TIME: 12:30 -2 pm
PANEL TITLE: Best Practices in IACUC Membership Composition, Recruitment, and Retention
- Dr Matthew W Rassette, DACLAM
- Rebeccah G Wood, RLATG
- Dr Scott D Bury