Charles River is pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 30th annual Charles River Medallion. The award will be presented during the 2020 Laboratory Animal Management Association annual meeting in Scottsdale, AZ, April 20-23, 2020.

2020 ASLAP Dues!


Notifications for 2020 Dues have been sent. Log in to renew your membership. Don't forget to renew your AVMA dues as well!

The purpose of this economic survey is to assess the total annual professional income of laboratory animal veterinarians working in the United States, reflecting also the details and differences between types of employment, job specifics, and levels of experience and responsibility of professionals working in this field. It is repeated every three years under joint sponsorship of ACLAM and ASLAP. The results of this work have been used for a variety of purposes, including peer-comparisons of salary for recruitment and retention efforts by employers and for indirect indications of market place employment conditions of the laboratory animal veterinary medical specialty. Click on News under "Members only" to download!

Submission Deadline August 18th